These Gold ETFs Are About to Score Another Double

My list of stocks to buy for 2016 wasn’t very long, as you may remember, and it had a particularly heavy tilt toward the precious metals sector. So far that has proven a much more profitable strategy than the ‘buy and hope’ strategy most analysts were peddling at the start of the year.
My mantra has been ‘buy gold and save yourself.’
Close to six months later, the gold price has gained 15.79%, yet every one of the gold ETFs I recommended to you has outstripped that gain. One has already doubled in price, and one is fast approaching another double.
If you followed along, you’re sitting on a very nice profit. Congratulations.
hat’s worth an update and some new targets…

This post was published at Wall Street Examiner by Michael E. Lewitt ‘ June 7, 2016.