There Is No Solution To The Crisis

Via Darren Krett,
A long , long time ago…
it was the 16 September 1992, Black Wednesday, when the British Government was forced to withdraw the pound sterling from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism(ERM) after it was unable to keep the pound above its agreed lower limit in the ERM. A certain Mr. Soros, made over 1 billion profit by short selling sterling while costing the Treasury 27billion of foreign currency reserves trying to prop up the Pound and a tidy 3.4 billion loss.
Fast forward to now and one of the upshots of the 2008 crisis was that central banks eunuchized the commercial banks through Dodd Frank and other such regulations, for such embarrassing situations could never be repeated for a central bank. So they took full control without impunity.
Now initially I believe that it was with good intent. Too big to fail was something unacceptable. That governments should not have to foot the bill for the ineptitude of banks and hedge funds who invested in other funds because they had a good “name” (a nice name with words in them like “enhanced” or “high”, not because they were of reputable background), without the faintest idea of what they were investing in was indeed a joke.
And it could be argued that the Fed and ECB were correct in hiding all the problems from the general population. The idea being that the economy is entirely built on sentiment.
Tell people every day that things are OK, fudge economic numbers and plaster over the cracks in the hope that eventually it will all rectify itself, then people will actually start believing , spending and therefore improving the economy and that the debt can be repaid via tax receipts. This coinciding with a technology boom where there is a serious lack of talent and available staff and it would be tempting to think that this may have possibly worked. That the central banks have saved us from a perilous depression….however, as it has been said…with great power comes great responsibility.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on 05/03/2015.