Gold And Silver – Financial World: House Of Cards Built On Sand

Saturday 18 October 2014
Take heart PM community, your turn is coming. What is happening in the stock market is a harbinger of what is sure to come for gold and silver, at some point in the future. When? Ah, that elusive question the answer to which so many want to know, the same answer to which so many so-called prognosticators have serially gotten wrong over the past few years. The best answer is patience.
It is highly unlikely that a single bank, at least in the Western fiat central banking system, is solvent. All, repeat, all banks are insolvent, propped up by the Rothschild system that few can successfully challenge. All banks exist by accounting deceit and every kind of threat, indirect or otherwise, that it is not wise to challenge the international banking cartel [on the verge of collapse]. Russia and China are rising to the occasion rather timely.
What is the result of ‘printing’ trillions upon trillions of fiat currency? While it has not yet played itself out, due to market distortions by ‘The Powers That Be,’ history shows that all fiat paper currency systems fail. Is it any different this time around. No! The only thing ‘different’ would be the mechanics of how the Western system will fail. A combination of computers and the internet have given the elites a decided upper hand that has enabled the ‘disenabling’ system they run an extended life, if you will, in their ability to perpetuate fiat deceit.
As an aside, most people are totally unaware of the extent to which the elites have been able to dominate every facet of human life on this planet. Control is not a strong enough word to describe the extent and depth of the evil they wrought in their utterly corrupt ambitions to rule as a one-government New World Order.
We believe we have a degree of insight on some of the ways in which events have been played out on the world’s stage, the coup d’etat against the United States by the Rothschild moneychangers, the final nail in the proverbial coffin being the takeover of the United States currency with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, and the simultaneous abdication of Congress in its Constitutional duty to Article 1, Section 8: ‘To coin money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

This post was published at Edge Trader Plus on October 18, 2014.