Chelsea Clinton is Quitting Her $600,000/Year NBC “Reporter” Job

Shortly after it was revealed by Politico that NBC had stooped to new lows in favoritist nepotism, having paid Chelsea Clinton an annual salary of $600,000 for “occasional” reporting work, in effect making her one of the highest paid if not the highest paid “reporter” in the world, the former first daughter quickly stunned everyone when, in the aftermath of her mother’s just as stunning commentary on personal wealth and what being “broke” in the New Normal apparently means, she stated rhetorically that “I was curious if I could care about money and I couldn’t.”
So, moments ago, to prove that she really no longer cares about such earthly things as money, since between her hedge fund husband and her parents, she has more than she can possibly spend in one lifetime, AP reported that Chelsea Clinton is finally quitting her job as a reporter at NBC News.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on 08/29/2014.