The Retail Trader Lockout – Today’s ‘Market’ “Issues” Were Worse Than The Flash Crash

For 39 minutes today, as we noted earlier, the US stock “market” broke. As Nanex details, a total of 1,384 symbols were affected as 100s of stocks trade with crossed NBBOs, practically eliminating any chance for retail traders to transact. Options market were frantic, volatility swung around like a Ukrainian border-patrol agent, and yet the US equity indices limped ever higher. For those who fear ‘the big one’, for those who understand market liquidity, for those who got a glimpse of what happens when large crowds meet small doors in the high-yield credit market, today’s “broken” market was a cold hard lesson that few ‘moms and pops’ would have noticed… but from the perspective of ‘ability to trade’ – today’s market was worse than the Nasdaq Blackout and the Flash Crash… Hedge accordingly.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on 08/26/2014.