Vegas Weekend Roundup: Insanity

Ok, time for a round-up on the latest insanity in the Vegas shooting.
Let’s deal with the “security guard” first. He’s “disappeared” — well, not really. He suddenly canceled several interviews, his house is now under “guard” by a firm that was decertified (expired license) in Nevada, and a family member allegedly told a member of the press that he’s under a “gag order.” The “security guard” doesn’t appear to have ever been registered as a private security officer in the State of Nevada, which, if his job description met what one thinks of as a “security guard”, is a legal requirement to work as same in the state. Further, he apparently has union representation (that is, he’s a member of a trade union.)
Ok, let’s go through this because the conspiracy nuts are going insane at the moment.
First off, a “gag order” can only be issued by a judge. They’re not secret. Second, both the FBI and LVMPD have repeatedly claimed that there are no other shooters (and never were), and no other suspects. The only suspect is dead, so there’s nothing to “gag” because there’s nobody to put on trial.
So if there’s a “gag order” (a real one), let’s see it. Best guess is that it doesn’t exist.
What about the other inconsistencies — especially the apparently lack of a private security officer license?
Occam’s Razor folks: I’ll bet he’s an illegal immigrant.
His name is a common Hispanic first name but an extremely rare US one.
If he’s an illegal immigrant he can’t register for a security guard license.

This post was published at Market-Ticker on 2017-10-14.