Journalism Is Broken – Twitter, Trump, & The NYTimes

Authored by Chris Arnade via,
Leaving Twitter means people send you articles about others who leave Twitter, so I saw the story of a NY Times reporter leaving Twitter, and then the follow-up analysis of what that means. That analysis article ended with these helpful guides:

My reaction was
Congrats to the NY Times reporter! That the bullet points need to be stated is sad. Five years ago I was a progressive that fully bought into the idea journalism was on the nasty end of a disingenuous conservative campaign to discredit it.
Then I joined Twitter.
Now I flip between two theses:
On a good day: Journalism has been badly degraded by the twin forces of economic loss and the immediacy and brutality of Twitter. On a bad day: Journalism is fundamentally slanted, narrow, and nasty. Many journalists are removed, smug, know-it-alls who don’t understand or like voters.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Sep 30, 2017.