What will Self-Driving Cars Do to the Housing Market?

The winners and losers.
This week, the US House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on legislation governing self-driving vehicles. The law would allow up to 25,000 autonomous vehicles – true AVs, without a human behind the wheel who can take control if needed – to ply the streets during the first year of the bill.
Up to 100,000 vehicles each year could be added to the total for the next three years. Companies that work on AV technology, such as Alphabet, and automakers would still have to get permits for their AVs and provide safety assessment reports to regulators.
At the state level, 22 states and Washington D. C. have passed legislation and governors of four states have issued executive orders related to autonomous vehicles. Other states are working on similar legislation.
Ford expects to have a fully autonomous vehicle without steering wheel and pedals on the market by 2021, to be used by rideshare services. Initially, the number will be small in the overall scheme of things. Other automakers have similar plans. Alphabet will not build cars, but it’s trying to develop the system that runs AVs, and it’s putting a lot of money into it in order to be the leader and control the industry.

This post was published at Wolf Street on Sep 5, 2017.