Weekend Reading: Losing Faith?

33% of surveyed asset managers in latest BoA ML GFMS believe corporate profits will improve, down from 58% earlier in year $SPX $SPY pic.twitter.com/u8HC2l6PTB
— Babak (@TN) August 15, 2017

Last week, I penned the following:
‘Now, you would suspect the possibility of nuclear war might just be the catalyst to send markets reeling, but looking at the market’s reaction on Thursday, I suspect there will be t-shirts soon reading:
‘I survived the threat of nuclear war and the ‘great crash of 2017′ of 1.5%’’
Of course, as markets touched on their 50-dma, the algos kicked in hard on Monday morning sending the markets surging higher. The reason, according to the media, was the reduction in global risk as Donald Trump briefed Kim Jung-Un about the U. S.’s retaliatory response should North Korea decide to attack Guam.
I was able to acquire a copy:

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Aug 18, 2017.