The United States Has Become A Nation Of Sheeple

You can either follow the herd of you can decide to find your own path. One of the things that greatly frustrates me is that so many Americans allow other people to do their thinking for them. We have become a nation of sheeple, and the vast majority of the shepherds that we are relying on for guidance are frauds and imposters. The blind are leading the blind, and we are slowly but surely committing national suicide. If a lot more of us don’t start to learn to think for ourselves, I fear that the vast majority of the population will never wake up until it is far too late.
Let me ask you a very simple question.
What is on your mind today?
If you are not preoccupied with work or with family matters, then you are probably thinking about something that you have been fed through the mainstream media. Just think about this for a few moments. When you are sitting around the dinner table or you are chatting with someone at work, what do you tend to talk about? If you are like most people, many of your conversations will be about something that you saw on the news, a new movie that you just watched, or a sporting event that has just happened.
Most of the time, we believe that certain things are important because someone else has told us that they are important.
And the most prominent voices of all are the six gigantic media corporations that control about 90 percent of the news, information and entertainment that we get through our televisions. I know that statistic is a bit hard to believe, so let me share a little excerpt from a fact checking website called…

This post was published at The Economic Collapse Blog on August 1st, 2017.