Tesla’s Musk Aspires To Create A “Counter For Skynet”

Authored by Soren K Group via MarketSlant.com,
Elon Musk wants to hook up your Brain to Neuralink’s Computer
We can’t help but note the lower Tesla Stock goes, the more brilliant and long term Elon Musk’s ideas become. We have made our opinion clear several times on Musk’s corporate shell game. But we are not naive. To short Tesla is like shorting the Government. TBTF as pet projects go. His new one is NeuraLink . The company was created to battle the Terminator of sorts. Don’t believe us? Here’s Musk from futuism.com’s interview.
Ultimately, Musk fears that AI will, one day, overtake humanity. Over the years, this fear has pushed Musk to make moves that will help ensure that our artificial intelligences don’t turn humans into second class citizens. Here’s a direct quote from that interview (link embedded in story):
‘It’s best to try to prevent a negative circumstance from occurring than to wait for them to occur and then be reactive.’ -Musk Investors in Musk’s current ventures may not be particularly pleased to learn that the inventor has found yet another distraction from his already ambitious, and in the case of Tesla, lofty and overvalued goals.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Apr 28, 2017.