Divergence Between Dumb And Smart Money Confidence Is Approaching Record Levels

Not to be confused with Bloomberg’s Smart Money index, one of the more popular proprietary indicators is Sentiment Trader’s Smart Money/Dumb Money confidence index. For those unfamiliar, this is how ST explains this useful market timing metric.
The Smart Money Confidence and Dumb Money Confidence indices are a unique innovation that allows subscribers to see, in one quick glance, what the ‘good’ market timers are doing with their money compared to what ‘bad’ market timers are doing.
Our Confidence indices use mostly real-money gauges – there are few opinions involved here.
The Confidence Spread subtracts the Dumb Money from the Smart Money. So when the Spread is very high (above 0.25), that means the Smart Money is looking for a rally, and the Dumb Money is looking for a decline; we should expect stocks to rise after those conditions.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Jan 31, 2017.