Nomi Prins: Expect Gold Up, Dollar Down for End of 2017

Just before the inauguration of Donald Trump, Greg Hunter at USA Watchdog had Nomi Prins on to discuss her views on the possibility for the end of 2017 to end with gold up and the U. S dollar down.
Nomi Prins is a best selling author, historian and former Wall Street insider who worked at Goldman Sachs as a managing director, along with several other major banks across the globe. She is currently working on her latest book, Artisans of Money, which will focus on the connections between central banks and the creation of cheap money as a global policy.
When asked about the first 100 days of Trump’s presidency she noted, ‘There is going to be Congressional pushback. Trump is going to continue to use Twitter and other sorts of outlets to talk about small numbers of jobs that have been created. Whether it is Ford bringing back a single plant, Walmart hiring more workers, or whatever that might be. The reality of the larger infrastructure promises that have been made require funding by Congress.’

This post was published at Wall Street Examiner on January 19, 2017.