The Week in Review: October 8, 2016

During our Boston Mises Circle last weekend we discussed the real state of the US economy, and the solutions that lie beyond politics. This week, America’s continued economic stagnation was further illustrated by another lack-luster jobs report – showing that the government can’t even rig its own statistics enough to project a strong economy. What the government is good at, however, is causing trouble – as Uncle Sam threatens to push the floundering Deutsche Bank over the edge. Whilemainstream American economists continue to entertain thoroughly-debunked economic policy, and political activists advocate for overly simplistic reforms, perhaps Americans should really look to Spain, where the country is enjoying the lack of a functioning national government. After all, as we will be reminded once again during Sunday’s presidential debate, successful democracies usually just benefit bad people.

This post was published at Ludwig von Mises Institute on October 8, 2016.