Calling an Economic Audible

Dear Friends,
Now is the time I would normally be sending you Thoughts from the Frontline, but this week I’m calling an audible. Rather than leave you wondering, I’m sending this short note to explain the new game plan.
I’ve spent the last few days working on what I think will be one of my most important newsletters ever. The more I researched and wrote, the more concerned I got at the direction our monetary and political authorities want to take us. The words I wrote led me to conclusions I could not believe.
Trying to prove myself wrong, I’ve spent hours on the phone and in person with some of my best sources. They think I’m right – which doesn’t make me feel any better.
The long and short of it is, our central bankers have set themselves up as the high priests of an economic religion. They hold certain doctrines on faith, and nothing will shake that faith. That’s the same impulse that drove ancient religious leaders to ‘policy decisions’ like human sacrifice. The gods demand it, so it must be done. Too bad for all the victims.

This post was published at Mauldin Economics on SEPTEMBER 11, 2016.