Trump Applauds Huma’s Decision To Dump “Pervert Sleaze” Weiner

Almost four years ago, in November 2012, long before Donald Trump was considered a legitimate presidential candidate, the republican tweeted something which in retrospect was quite prophetic: “Pervert alert – serial sexter @RepWeiner is making another step towards a comeback All girls under 18 should block him.”
Pervert alert – serial sexter @RepWeiner is making another step towards a comeback All girls under 18 should block him.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 28, 2012

Today, Trump’s skepticism was justified, when Huma announced her official separation from Weiner, which led to the Republican presidential nominee’s commendation of Abedin’s choice to separate from her husband. ‘Huma is making a very wise decision,” Trump said in a statement. “I know Anthony Weiner well, and she will be far better off without him.”

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Aug 29, 2016.