Good Times, Bad Times – Real Estate and Aging

A Mountain of Debt – But at Least We Have an iPhone
Whenever I encounter someone from the younger generation (40 years or younger), I make it a point to apologize for leaving them a country in far worse shape than the one I enjoyed. Surprisingly, none of them believe that apologies are necessary, as most have no clue what I am talking about.
They seem to be totally happy that the national debt has quadrupled under the last two presidents. They do not mind that their education was paid for not by their parents but by an ever rising $1.3 trillion debt that they are responsible for themselves.
They seem to be very grateful that we gave them the iPhone, iPad and similar devices so they can now post their photos and other personal data for the world to see.
The moral of the story: When you have never seen the good times, you won’t know you are living in bad times.
Anyway, I digress, this post is actually supposed to be about real estate and aging.

This post was published at Acting-Man on March 11, 2016.