Mr. Cohan Responds On His Silver Rigging Expos – Two US National Publications Refused the Story

This is starting to make more sense.
Apparently Mr. Cohan did look at all the relevant information, and decided to write a story about rigging in the silver markets. It was submitted and refused by at least two US publications which refused to run it.
Based on past history, one might assume the two national publications that refused to publish it were on the order of The New York Times, and perhaps Bloomberg News or even possibly Forbes.
The actual reasons that they gave for refusing to publish the story are not stated. One can assume they were not sufficient for Mr. Cohan to decide to take his name off of it in his professional judgement, so we can only surmise. So we cannot tell if this was editorial scruples, a failure in fact checking, or just good old fashioned minding of one’s place.
Insiders never speak ill of insiders.
Bill was good with publishing the piece at ZeroHedge with his name on it. So he apparently still had confidence in what he had written.
That speaks volumes.
At that point the whistleblowing parties, if one might call them that, deferred, feeling perhaps that printing something like this on the web alone, even on a large and widely read site, would relegate it to something easily dismissible by the status quo. The Very Serious Players choose to read only properly vetted, fully credible and approved mainstream sources.

This post was published at Jesses Crossroads Cafe on 25 SEPTEMBER 2014.