Is The World About To Take A ‘Gold Shower?’

The 1944 Bretton Woods international monetary system as it has developed to the present is become, honestly said, the greatest hindrance to world peace and prosperity. Now China, increasingly backed by Russia – the two great Eurasian nations – are taking decisive steps to create a very viable alternative to the tyranny of the US dollar over the world trade and finance. Wall Street and Washington are not amused, but they are powerless to stop it… Now, ironically, two of the foreign economies that allowed the dollar an artificial life extension beyond 1989 – Russia and China – are carefully unveiling that most feared alternative, a viable, gold-backed international currency and potentially, several similar currencies that can displace the unjust hegemonic role of the dollar today.
The above is an excerpt from William Engdahl’s essay, ‘Gold, Oil, Dollars, Russia and China.’ The essay is a must-read if you want to understand how the dollar was cleverly forced on the world as the reserve currency and how it is about to be cleverly removed and replaced with a trade system that reintroduces gold into the global monetary system.
Unfortunately, the U. S. educational system presents a fraudulent account of world financial and economic history from Bretton Woods to present. Fed on a steady educational diet of U. S. propaganda, anyone raised and educated in the U. S. will wake up one day to an economic cold shower and eventual poverty unless they’ve taken the steps necessary to protect their savings (if they have any).

This post was published at Investment Research Dynamics on October 7, 2017.