SEVERE Idiocy In America

No, not the sort of drugs you think of as “recreational” pharmaceuticals either.
In a recent review paper, we found that people are using performance-enhancing drugs increasingly for common tasks, ranging from sitting examinations to giving presentations and conducting important negotiations. These ‘cognitive enhancers’ – such as antidepressants, beta blockers (used to treat heart conditions or anxiety) or ‘smart drugs’ – can boost energy and mood, helping us to perform better with less sleep. But is it safe for healthy individuals to take such drugs? And is it right?
Is it safe? No.
Hell, Ritalin isn’t safe for kids with so-called ADHD! That’s an amphetamine derivative, is likely to be extremely addictive (as are all drugs in that class) and what’s worse amphetamines are known to produce permanent changes in brain chemistry.

This post was published at Market-Ticker on 2017-07-13.