Precious Metals Are ‘Best Defence’ Against Bail-ins In Economic Crisis

Precious metals are ‘real assets’ and ‘best defence’ against bail-ins and cashless society in the economic crisis which is ‘on its way’
The risks posed to investors and savers from the coming economic crisis and the threat of bank bail-ins, negative interest rates, ‘helicopter money,’ capital controls and the ‘cashless society’ has been looked at in an excellent and timely article by economist John Adams, writing in the Daily Telegraph.
While the article is focused on how these risks threaten Australia and Australian investors and savers, the risks outlined are ones which threaten even those with modest amounts of wealth and all exposed to the western financial system.
John Adams writes:
‘Globally, household, corporate and sovereign debt are at unprecedented levels. They are also linked through a fully integrated global financial system and an array of complex financial derivatives.
Given the scale of the system, the probability of a global stock, bond and real estate crash, coupled with a wave of corporate, bank and sovereign defaults via rising interest rates, increases dramatically.’

This post was published at Gold Core on July 6, 2017.