Banks are becoming less safe. Again.

What I’m about to tell you isn’t some wild conspiracy. Or fake news.
It’s raw fact, based on publicly available data from the US Federal Reserve.
This data shows a very simple but concerning trend: banks in the United States are becoming less safe. Again.
And they’re doing it on purpose. Again.
Few people ever give much thought to the safety and security of their bank.
After all, banks go out of their way to instill an overwhelming sense of confidence that they’re rock solid.
They spend tons of money on ornate lobbies in giant buildings. They buy the naming rights to football and baseball stadiums.
And hey, they’re insured by the government.
But it turns out that none of these elaborate distractions means anything when it comes to bank safety.
Safety is actually pretty easy to calculate.
Think about the business of banking – it’s simple. Banks take deposits, and then use that money to make loans and various investments.

This post was published at Sovereign Man on June 13, 2017.