Assume the Brace Position

My friend and British investor extraordinaire Jim Mellon, who made a large amount of money traveling the world doing real estate, is now focused on thinking about and investing in life extension and its derivatives. But he’s also worried about what happens when a lot of people live longer and how we pay for it. He shares my concern about the demographic bubble that we are already in becoming even worse as we live longer than we expected. Further, he points out the same thing I have about the massive move into passive investing and how it is dangerously turning into a bubble in its own right.
In place of passive investing, which he calls ‘a sort of pass the parcel game for investment morons,’ Jim suggests we focus our attention and money on ‘Juvenescence’-style investments – that being the title of his about-to-be-released book on investing in the age of longevity. Why not, he says, ‘benefit from the very things that will keep you alive to an age that would have been regarded as science fiction just one short generation ago’?

This post was published at Mauldin Economics on MAY 31, 2017.