Russian History with Professor Cohen

For much of this week’s program, Professor Cohen speaks to his expertise and as a professor of Russian history. This is a free, one-hour course that you should be sure to take sometime today.
Could you have afforded (or been admitted) to Princeton? Not me! Therefore the opportunity to learn from Professor Cohen is a rare privilege and I promise that you won’t be disappointed in this “class”. Not only will you gain an understanding of the scope of Russian losses in WWII, you will also learn how these experiences shape Russia today. Understanding this will help you to recognize the danger of The New Cold War and this insane Russophobia and neo-McCarthyism that dominates the political landscape in America today.
So, please be sure to carve out some time and give this week’s discussion a thorough listen. You’ll be glad you did.

This post was published at TF Metals Report on May 10, 2017.