If You Admit That You Are A Trump Supporter, It May Cost You Your Job

Many liberals that are still extremely bitter about the outcome of the election are taking out their frustrations on Trump supporters all over the country. And in some cases, employees are actually being ‘reassigned’, fired or asked to leave their jobs if they openly admit their support for President Trump. This kind of political discrimination is not supposed to be happening in our workplaces, but it is happening. Many leftists that are in positions of authority around the nation are using that authority to punish people that voted for Donald Trump. So if you voted for Trump and your boss didn’t, you might want to keep your political views to yourself at your workplace if you want to keep your job.
And sharing your political opinions on Facebook is not necessarily safe either. Just ask an elementary school teacher in Collier County, Florida that was just ‘reassigned’ to administrative duties for a pro-Trump Facebook post…

This post was published at The Economic Collapse Blog on February 21st, 2017.