Get Ready… Change Is Upon Us

‘After four years of warfare that tore the world apart like never before, a peace was finally reached. But it was a peace which one man in particular vociferously condemned – and that man was John Maynard Keynes.
In just two months, Keynes wrote the book that would make him a household name around the world – The Economic Consequences of the Peace.
In the book, Keynes was highly critical of the deal struck at Versailles, which he felt sure would lead to further conflict in Europe – describing the agreement as a ‘Carthaginian peace’ – and with the passing of a surprisingly short period of time, he would be proven correct.’
~ Grant Williams in The Economic Consequences of Peace
After WWI, a particularly noxious set of treaties and economic reparations agreements were put in place that all but guaranteed a future WWII. Mr. Keynes sniffed that out and, sadly, was proven correct.

This post was published at PeakProsperity on Friday, November 11, 2016,.