26 Feet to Revolution: From Berkeley to Kent State, 1964 to 1970

Here is a video of a recent protest at the University of California, Berkeley, the nation’s most academically prestigious tax-funded university. It is the premier state school today. It was in 1964. It was in 1880.

This is not a threat to the social order. It is an annoyance for students who want to go to class.
On September 10, 1964, the Free Speech Movement began at Berkeley. Almost no one remembers why.
The University’s Board of Regents had long imposed restrictions on what kinds of recruiting were possible on school property. Everyone involved in student government knew the rules. Every group had to be approved: fraternities, sororities, religious groups, and political activists. The underlying motivation, more than anything, was to restrict religious proselytizing: the church/state separation issue.

This post was published at Gary North on October 29, 2016.