FBI Investigating More Dead People Voting In The Key Swing State Of Virginia

For years the political elites, backed by funding from George Soros, have fought common sense voter ID laws as blatant attempts of racist right wingers to suppress the votes of minority and low-income citizens. These same people tirelessly argue that there is no evidence of voter fraud despite the mountain of facts that keeps piling up the contrary. In fact, per the National Review, United States District Judge Lynn Adelman of Wisconsin, in response to a voter ID complaint in that state, recently claimed that ‘virtually no voter impersonation occurs’ in Wisconsin and that ‘no evidence suggests that voter-impersonation fraud will become a problem at any time in the foreseeable future.’
Well, we guess that could be true if the pesky facts would just stop getting in the way. According to research conducted by the Pew Research Center in 2012, the capacity for voter fraud in the U. S. is substantial with nearly 2mm dead people found to be registered voters and nearly 3mm people registered in multiple states.

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Sep 29, 2016.