Psychological Manipulation and Economic Deception are now the Order of the day

A man has free choice to the extent that he is rational.
St. Thomas Aquinas
It is possible if one takes the right actions to make money and remain relatively unscathed in such an environment. One cannot say the same for the masses because they are walking with their eyes wide shut. In other words, they do not see what’s happening; their heads are stuck in the sand. They are oblivious to what’s going around, and if you try to warn them, they are apt to strangle you. This situation is strikingly similar to ‘Plato’s allegory of the cave.’
Psychological Manipulation
It is being used ubiquitously to control the masses and their perceptions. The goal is to alter the perception; modify the perception and you changereality. You need to start positioning yourself to be in the land of neutrality when it comes to taking a stance. Neutral does not mean running and hiding in some zone. You should be able to look at the argument from both sides of the coin and agree with either side if necessary without becoming emotionally attached to the outcome. When you commit yourself to a certain position you hamper your ability to see the full picture; you have willingly reduced your range of observation by 50% or more. Take thisprinciple to the stock markets; you should not forcefully try to find a camp you belong to. In other words being a perma-bull or a perma-bear is utterlysilly for now you only have access to 50% of the data; you will block any bullish scenario if you are perma-bear and vice versa. Data is there to be used not to be blocked, and that is where the top players are getting the masses; they are forcing them to make permanent choices or takepermanent positions that are detrimental to their welfare. The players doing the pushing though are not plagued with these handicaps; they easily navigate from one camp to another, never forming any attachment with any of these camps.

This post was published at GoldSeek on Friday, 2 September 2016.