Georgetown To Grant Admission Preference To Slave Descendants

Georgetown University President, John DeGioia, recently announced that the university will give “preference in admissions” to descendants of slaves formerly owned by the Maryland Jesuits as part of the school’s effort to “atone” for profiting from the sale of enslaved people. According to a report of a special “Working Group” of the university, two priests who served as president of the university back in 1838 orchestrated the sale of 272 people to pay off school debts. The slaves were apparently sent from Maryland to plantations in Louisiana.
DeGioia said the university will take steps to identify the descendants of the slaves and recruit them to the university. Might we also suggest the university post the “Offer” to the official Reparations marketplace (see “There Is Now A Marketplace For White People To Make Reparations Payments“).
The official report from the university includes the following details about the 1838 transaction in question:

This post was published at Zero Hedge on Sep 1, 2016.