The Week in Review: June 11, 2016

This week graduate students from around the world gathered at the Mises Institute for our annual Rothbard Graduate Seminar. The subject this year focused on Ludwig von Mises’s seminal treatiseHuman Action, with the students receiving instruction from Professors Guido Hlsmann, Jeffrey Herbener, David Gordon, Peter Klein, Joseph Salerno, and Mark Thornton. The discussion and debate among both students and faculty has been intense and instructive, with Dr. Salerno noting that he still discovers something new every time he reads Mises’s masterpiece.
As Jeff Deist noted this week, programs such as RGS are a vital part of libertarian strategy. By grooming new generations of Austrian scholars, we continue to keep alive the intellectual torch in the tradition of greats like Mises, Rothbard, and Hayek. And in times like today, where Nobel Prize winning economists are ignorant of basic economic concepts, central bankers work tirelessly to delude themselves of the strength of the economy, and capitalism is being blamed for obesity, civilization desperately needs such scholars to preserve hope for the future.

This post was published at Ludwig von Mises Institute on June 11, 2016.