Diversification Is For Dummies – The Nifty Nine Never Mattered More

From the 4-horsemen of the dotcom exuberance (and apocalypse), to today’s so-called FANG and NOSH stocks, and now ‘Nifty Nine’, investors could be forgiven for ignoring the benefits of stock market diversification that every commission-taking, fee-gathering asset-collector promotes and going all-in on a few ‘easy to select’ stocks to make the quick buck that everyone believes is their right as an American taxpayer. While the S&P languishes unchanged in 2015, these small groups of overwhelmingly propagandized stocks are up on average over 60%, but with a collective P/E of 45, they are not cheap (and perhaps should remember that when buying this momo, we are all Thanksgiving turkeys).

This post was published at Zero Hedge on 11/27/2015.