“Nothing Makes Sense Anymore” Traders Fear Debt Market Distortions Signal “Something Big Is Brewing”

In the last few months we have warned of the “perversions” in US money markets (here, here, and most recently here) adding that “to ignore them at your own peril.” And now, as Bloomberg reports, it appears the mainstream is beginning to recognize that something very strange is going on in debt markets. Across developed markets, the conventional relationship between (‘risk-free’) government debt and other ‘more risky’ assets has been turned upside-down. “Everybody in the fixed-income market should care about this,” warns a rates strategist and in fact, it’s hard to overstate how illogical it is when swap spreads are inverted, as JPM warns the moves in swap-spreads “should be viewed as symptomatic of deeper problems.”

This post was published at Zero Hedge on 11/16/2015.