What You Must Know About Fed Minutes And Emanations From Jackson’s Hole

This post is an excerpt from the Pro Trader and Monthly Investor MacroLiquidity report. Subscriber links are below the text.
The Fed’s FOMC meeting minutes are a key instrument of official propaganda on how the Fed wants you to view policy. I won’t waste your time with what the Fed staff and FOMC members reportedly said about the economy and markets as represented in the July meeting minutes. Events have a way of superseding whatever they wanted you to think 6 weeks before the release.
I guess they need the 6 weeks to continue the debate over what they want you to think they were thinking so that they can tinker with the language. If the Fed wanted to, it could release a transcript the next day. But that would be messy. It wouldn’t be proper propaganda at all. They need to massage the words so that the come out ‘just so.’ The minutes are designed to soothe you into thinking there’s no need to panic. All is well. The omnipotent Fed has everything under control. As the world goes crazy around you, you merely need to stay focused on the soothing words. ‘All is well. We know exactly what we are doing.’
It’s all so silly.

This post was published at Wall Street Examiner by Lee Adler ‘ August 30, 2015.