How Much Interest Has Your Food ‘Bank’ Earned This Year?

In these days of declining paychecks and rising prices, people are hard pressed to get the most for their money. With every new dollar that is printed the value of your hard earned savings decreases and much buying power is lost. The conventional way to offset this decrease is to invest your money where it can earn interest and increase your holdings in real terms or at least keep up with inflation.
If you put your savings in the bank you might get .25% these days if you are lucky. This is at a time when real inflation is running close to 9% annually. In order to earn a better return on your funds you must put them in increasingly risky investments that have counter party risk that many may not fully appreciate until something happens. Just ask those fleeced by the MF Global bankruptcy.
There are few things one can place their money in these days that will maintain value or even grow. The normal safe haven in times like this are usually precious metals or investment grade collectables but those things must be sold in the marketplace in order to utilize the value of those items. What the average person needs is a safe haven they can hold and use at will and still reap the full value of those items.

This post was published at Alt-Market on 16 November 2014.