BRICS Rising

While we’re on the topic of Russia, my brothers, I thought it would be an excellent time to go through some of the newest, crucial headlines from that land, with an eagle eye. These headlines are striking affirmations, that further validate that what we’ve been saying here at the Truth HQ, is 100% on the money! There can be no doubt that an alliance, called the BRICS, is positioning itself to be the new anti-globalist, anti-Western central banking force in the world.
In fact, there are well-respected voices within the Kremlin, who’ve now called upon the leaders of the East to step up the game-plan of the BRICS, and turn it from a mere trade and economic union, to an overtly, D. C.-blocking, anti-dollar alliance.
Rest assured that with each passing day, every new brain-dead sanction that D. C. and Brussels hurl at Russia, is actually just another fresh log on the fire, incinerating their own power.
The West is descending into tyranny and poverty, while the East is making strides toward financial and economic liberality, and at ‘double time’. It’s self evident that these preparations are being enacted, in order to live as best they can, in a post-dollar world.
If roughly half the world’s population is making those preparations, then doesn’t that behoove each of our brothers here to do the very same? In fact, to all you preppers out there, each time you read the words ‘East’ and ‘preparation’, your spidey senses should be tingling. You should instantly tell yourself:
If Moscow is doing it…
If Beijing is doing it…

This post was published at The Wealth Watchman on OCTOBER 22, 2014.