Spot The Total Logic Fail

It appears the leadership in Spain has reached its panic-point. Following Catalonia’s President Artur Mas signing of a decree calling for an ultimately democratic referendum on independence for the region, Spanish Prime Minister Rajoy uttered this mind-numbing phrase:
CATALAN VOTE PROFOUNDLY ANTI-DEMOCRATIC, RAJOY SAYS It appears Rajoy’s perspective on democracy and the will of the people is a little different as the situation has become serious enough that he has gone full-Juncker.
As The BBC reports,
“Catalonia wants to speak,” he said after signing on Saturday. “Wants to be heard. Wants to vote. Now is the right time and we have the right legal framework to do so.” The referendum’s two questions
“Do you want Catalonia to be a state?”
“If so, do you want Catalonia to be an independent state?”

This post was published at Zero Hedge on 09/29/2014.