Scotland Can Become The New Switzerland of Europe

Even within each nation, there is a divide that centers on the stark difference between the HAVES and those who want to take by law whatever they have without working for it – the INDUSTRIOUS v the LAZY. This conflict is emerging everywhere in California and even in New Jersey. So in Scotland, this is true between Glasgow and Edinburgh.
Independence is the first step. This would shake things up even in London and force reform. Scotland could then move to become the New Switzerland of Europe since the Swiss gave up everything that made them Swiss to start with – TAX REBELLION of William Tell after the tax collector made him shoot the apple from his son’s head. The neutrality of the Swiss worked in war ONLY because they held the money for everyone while they fought. Today, the Swiss gave up everyone and their mother trembling in fear of the USA, Germany, and France not to forget Italy. If war comes to Europe, I seriously doubt that chocolate and watches will secure their neutrality this time.

This post was published at Armstrong Economics on September 12, 2014.